Effective capture management helps you invest your resources wisely and maximizes your win potential.
Raymond Thibodeaux

Recent Posts
Capture Management: A Beginner's Guide
By Raymond Thibodeaux on Nov 26, 2019
How Small Businesses Can Leverage Their Websites
By Raymond Thibodeaux on Oct 28, 2019
How can companies in the GovCon space use their website to draw in customers?
How to Design for Proposals
By Raymond Thibodeaux on Oct 10, 2019
Proposal graphics tend to get short shrift, but they can anchor your ideas and serve as visual guides that help evaluators score your proposals.
Technical Writers vs. SMEs: Defining Tasks
By Raymond Thibodeaux on Sep 26, 2019
It's a common problem, you're assigned as a Technical Writer on a proposal and when you show up there's an issue with getting content from the Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).
What is an Executive Summary and How to Write One
By Raymond Thibodeaux on Sep 12, 2019
Executive summaries set the tone for the entire government proposal. Learn what makes a perfect executive summary, from page length, to organizational structure, and graphics.
How to Improve Your Proposal Process Using Agile Methods
By Raymond Thibodeaux on Aug 15, 2019
Agile is a term that's become increasingly popular the last few years in the proposal industry. But what if we told you to forget what you think you know about Agile.
A Guide to Federal Proposal Pricing
By Raymond Thibodeaux on Aug 1, 2019
It seems that pricing is almost a hidden part of the proposal development process, tucked away from the war room. Often the pricing volume has its own review schedule and process.
Introducing the KSI Advantage© Capture & Proposal Guide
By Raymond Thibodeaux on Jul 11, 2019
After months of work, we're thrilled to be able to share our top secret project with you, the launch of our KSI Advantage© Capture & Proposal Guide!
How to Address Risk In Your Technical Solution
By Raymond Thibodeaux on Jun 27, 2019
When bidding on a federal contract, an RFP often asks for a risk management plan and a description of risks and how you plan to mitigate them.
The Soft Skills Proposal Managers Need Most
By Raymond Thibodeaux on Jun 13, 2019
When you're managing a proposal you quickly learn, not everybody is likable. Not everybody is a go along. Not everybody even wants to be on the proposal team. So what can you do?