As part of the federal contracting process, procuring agencies are interested in an offeror’s quality of product/service, cost control, timeliness of performance, business relations, and customer satisfaction, as evidenced by its past performance.
A Deep Dive into Past Performance – How to Maximize Your Scoring Potential
By Ashley Kayes, CPP APMP on Nov 17, 2022
Need a High-Scoring Past Performance Section? Use the KSI Advantage™ Approach!
By Jake Lamarche, CF APMP, CPTC on Dec 1, 2021
The Past Performance section in a proposal provides evidence of your previous success to your customer by exhibiting your proven ability to deliver a quality product or service in a timely and cost-controlled manner.
Just the Facts: A Guide to Crafting a Great Data Call
By Jake Lamarche, CF APMP, CPTC on Mar 25, 2020
Data calls typically occur early in the proposal effort, but can ostensibly happen at any point during the proposal planning or writing processes.