How to Develop a Capture Plan [Guide + Template]

By Emilie Waickwicz, CF APMP on Dec 22, 2022

We’ve all experienced a proposal that lacked the appropriate capture before the final RFP release.

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How to Break into Government Contracting [Part 6]: Capture Opportunities

By Lauren Mowbray, CF APMP, CPC on Oct 26, 2022

You don’t wake up the morning of the IronMan Triathlon and decide to enter the race on a whim.

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From Capture to Proposals: How to Handoff for Success

By Emilie Waickwicz, CF APMP on Feb 24, 2022

As an opportunity moves through the phasesof the opportunity lifecycle, it is supported by different roles or individuals.

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How to Apply a Solid Bid Pursuit Strategy to Improve Your Win Rate

By Ashley Kayes, CPP APMP on Nov 19, 2020

If you want to improve your overall win rates, there are several tactics that can help you succeed.

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How Starting Earlier Will Improve Your Win Rate

By Ashley Kayes, CPP APMP on Sep 3, 2020

In this world of bids and proposals, we all want to win more. However, many factors impact a company’s probability of winning.

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A Complete Guide to Making Smart Bid/No-Bid Decisions

By Emily Arnold, CF APMP, ITIL 4 on Jun 15, 2020

Learning how to make smart bid/no-bid decisions is one of the most crucial skills individuals and government contractors can develop to improve their overall success. 

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How to Shape an Opportunity Pre-RFP by Targeting the Right People

By Jack Mathes, CF APMP on Apr 29, 2020

Too often, businesses jump into pursuing contract opportunities without doing the necessary work on the front end.

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Capture Manager: The Sales Role Every Federal Contractor Needs

By John Crowley on Mar 11, 2020

One of the most crucial phases in the federal business development lifecycle is Capture.

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How to Develop a Proposal Plan Part 3: Win Strategy

By Ellen Perrine on Aug 17, 2018

This is the third part of our Proposal Plan series, that discusses developing the Win Strategy. 

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How To Execute A Brilliant Capture Management to Proposal Team Handoff

By Dr. Richard Nathan on Jan 22, 2015

The most vulnerable point in the business development continuum is the handoff from capture manager to proposal management. This transfer to the proposal team seems to fail often. But why is that?

We see this time after time- the capture team creates a strong, defensible win strategy that by all measures should give the company an excellent chance of prevailing over the competition, but it never gets fully implemented by the proposal team management despite best intentions by all parties.  

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