Subject matter experts (SMEs) are necessary to almost every proposal. They are the ones who design and build the product (or provide the service).
Carol Turpin

Recent Posts
How to Get the Most Value From SMEs to Write a Winning Proposal
By Carol Turpin on Aug 2, 2021
Incumbent Contractors: Here's How You Can Win Your Recompete
By Carol Turpin on Jan 13, 2020
Your government contract ends soon, and your customer will issue a new RFP. Who's worried?
6 Grammar School Lessons That Will Win Your Next Federal Proposal
By Carol Turpin on Apr 25, 2015
Remember 5th grade English Class? Learning to write essays meant being handed a topic you didn't like, trying to abide by a difficult deadline, feeling forced to write and revise multiple versions, and finally receiving useless comments from the teacher you are convinced hates you.
The Hunger Games: A Metaphor For Government Proposals
By Carol Turpin on Jan 8, 2014
Unless you’ve been under a rock, you’ve heard of The Hunger Games, the dystopian trilogy by Suzanne Collins that has edged out Harry Potter’s seven books as Amazon’s best-selling series of all time. The movies set records, and fans worldwide are hysterical in their enthusiasm.
15 Tips For Writing Winning Proposal Resumes
By Carol Turpin on Apr 24, 2013
Companies often undervalue the importance of resumes until they learn that they can count for 40% or more of total proposal evaluation points. Then they search for a resume specialist.
How to Turn Your Proposal Into a Configuration Control Nightmare
By Carol Turpin on Sep 11, 2012
Since we proposal professionals don’t have enough pressure on us during a proposal effort, I thought I’d share these handy tips to spice up your life during those all-night deadline parties!
Hey Incumbents! Contract Incumbentitis Is a Disease. Here's the Cure.
By Carol Turpin on Jul 24, 2012
In•cum•bent [in-'kəm-bənt] Noun. The current holder of a contract. Ex: The incumbent was preparing for a recompete of work it had successfully performed for years.