You’ve heard it before but that doesn’t stop me from saying it again: proposals are tough business. Don't get discouraged! Before you reach your breaking point, here are 15 actions to heighten your enjoyment when working on a long, complex, and demanding project or proposal.
15 Ways to Enhance Your Time Working on Federal Proposals
By Jim McCarthy on Jan 14, 2013
Are You Sure You Should Bid that Big IDIQ?
By Key Solutions on Oct 16, 2012
In the land of federal contracting "hunters and farmers," large IDIQ contract vehicles have become the prize catch for aggressive corporate hunters.
How to Turn Your Proposal Into a Configuration Control Nightmare
By Carol Turpin on Sep 11, 2012
Since we proposal professionals don’t have enough pressure on us during a proposal effort, I thought I’d share these handy tips to spice up your life during those all-night deadline parties!
The Five Dysfunctions of a Proposal Team
By Dr. Richard Nathan on Jul 30, 2012
No doubt about it, proposals are hard! Tight deadlines, incomprehensible and inconsistent RFP requirements, lack of sleep, high carb diets and the need to demonstrate to the government that not only are you qualified for the award, but you are the best choice, hands down. Many of these factors are outside of our control. Unfortunately, in many cases companies hamper themselves further by selecting a proposal team that is dysfunctional.
Hey Incumbents! Contract Incumbentitis Is a Disease. Here's the Cure.
By Carol Turpin on Jul 24, 2012
In•cum•bent [in-'kəm-bənt] Noun. The current holder of a contract. Ex: The incumbent was preparing for a recompete of work it had successfully performed for years.
Ensure a Strong Finish! Edit Your Proposal
By Ellen Perrine on Jul 12, 2012
A sad, but true, fact of the proposal business is that proposals are not always edited to ensure that they are grammatically correct, internally consistent, conform to the pre-established proposal Style Guide, and read as though the entire proposal was written by the same person (commonly referred to as “one voice”).