The Great Resignation. The Big Quit. The Great Reshuffle.
How to Survive High Turnover Among Your Proposal Team
By Jack Mathes, CF APMP on Nov 3, 2022
How to Break into Government Contracting [Part 6]: Capture Opportunities
By Lauren Mowbray, CF APMP, CPC on Oct 26, 2022
You don’t wake up the morning of the IronMan Triathlon and decide to enter the race on a whim.
5 Layout Tips for Proposal Graphics
By Jake Lamarche, CF APMP, CPTC on Oct 19, 2022
It is generally accepted that people remember more of what they see than what they read or hear.
How To Break Into Government Contracting [Part 5]: Conquering Roadblocks
By Lauren Mowbray, CF APMP, CPC on Sep 7, 2022
Government agencies want to work with companies they know and trust. Building that trust is largely contingent on your ability to prove you can do the work.
How Proposal Training Can Improve Your Win Rate [Examples + Email Template]
By Jack Mathes, CF APMP on Aug 25, 2022
"It is a truth universally acknowledged that a competitive bid must be in want of a great proposal team." - Jane Austen.
Unboxing Our Toolkit: How to Create a Common Language from Proposal Writer to Designer
By Keven Ramirez on Aug 17, 2022
Have you ever asked yourself if an evaluator gets bored reading your proposal? To break up the sea of text, you use proposal graphics. But are your graphics also boring?
Here, There, and Everywhere: An Introduction to SLED (State, Local, and Education) Proposals
By Michael Carter, CF APMP on Aug 11, 2022
If you’ll indulge in a music analogy, Federal Government Contracting in the United States is a long and winding road, while State, Local, and Education (SLED) contracting is a smaller ticket to ride. But hey, you still might want to drive that car!
Don’t Make Me Think: 5 Ways to Improve Proposal Readability
By Ashley Kayes, CPP APMP on Aug 4, 2022
In proposals, clear writing is critical to ensuring the evaluators understand your message.
A Guide to Writing a Technical Approach
By Melissa Serna on Jul 28, 2022
Let's set the scene. You’ve just come on to a new proposal effort and are anxiously awaiting your writing assignment.
Beyond Compliance: How to Craft Compelling, Easy-to-Evaluate Resumes
By Anna Paola DaSilva on Jul 21, 2022
Federal proposals often require contractors to include resumes of their proposed team.